【TOEIC Bridgeおすすめ参考書・問題集 -独学勉強法- 】も確認する。
本書はTOEIC Bridge® Listening & Readingのテキストです。海外の本のため、中はすべて英語で書かれていますが、多くのテストの練習問題と丁寧な解説が用意されています。テスト対策をするのにおすすめのテキストです。

1 Preface
2 Test Overview
3 TOEIC Bridge® Listening
4 TOEIC Bridge® Listening: Part 1 (photographs)
5 TOEIC Bridge® Listening: Part 2 (question-response)
6 TOEIC Bridge® Listening: Part 3 (short conversations and talks)
7 TOEIC Bridge® Reading
8 TOEIC Bridge® Reading: Part 4 (incomplete sentences)
9 TOEIC Bridge® Reading: Part 5 (comprehension)
10 TOEIC Bridge® vocabulary words list with online quizzes
11 Frequently asked questions
12 Test day tips
13 Contact us
Textbook description
This is the second edition of the TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading textbook. The textbook contains an explanation of each part of the test, TOEIC Bridge® strategies and hints, lots of practice questions (including answer keys, feedback, free and high-quality online audio, and scripts), and homework questions. This textbook has proven to help students improve their TOEIC Bridge® score significantly in a very short time. It has sold thousands of copies worldwide and received lots of positive feedback. This new edition includes the following upgrades: (1) Higher quality audio (link attached), (2) TOEIC Bridge® vocabulary words list with online quizzes, (3) Extra practice questions, (4) Additional feedback, (5) Homework questions, and (6) Improved design.
What is TOEIC Bridge R test?
TOEIC Bridge ® is a paper and pencil test containing 50-multiple choice listening questions divided into three parts, and another 50-multiple choice reading questions divided into two parts Basically, the test consists of a total of 100-multiple choice questions that should be answered in one hours, as follows.
TOEIC Bridge ® Test
Listening | Reading | Total | |
Number of questions | 50 questions | 50 questions | 100 questions |
Time | 25 minutes | 35 minutes | 60 minutes |
Maximum score | 90 points | 90 points | 180 points |
Minimum score | 10 points | 10 points | 20 points |
The listening section has 50 questions to be completed in 25 minutes. All questions are multiple choice and are divided into three parts.
•Part 1: Photographs, 15 questions.
•Part 2: Question-Response, 20 questions.
•Part 3: Short Conversations and Short Talks, 15 questions.
The reading section consists of 50 questions to be completed in 35 minutes. All the questions are multiple choice and are divided into two parts.
•Part 4: Incomplete sentences, 30 questions.
•Part 5: Reading Comprehension, 20 questions.
TOEIC Bridge ® Sample Score Report

Hosam Elmetaher
TOEIC Bridge® Test
Listening | Reading | Total | |
Number of questions | 50 questions | 50 questions | 100 questions |
Time | 25 minutes | 35 minutes | 60 minutes |
Maximum score | 90 points | 90 points | 180 points |
Minimum score | 10 points | 10 points | 20 points |
•Part 1: Photographs, 15 questions.
•Part 2: Question-Response, 20 questions.
•Part 3: Short Conversations and Short Talks, 15 questions
How to use this section of the book?
1. Study the TOEIC Bridge® strategies and hints.
2. Listen to the free audio at: https://goo.gl/B5iLRu
3. Choose the best answer.
4. Check your answer(s).
5. Practice.
6. Finish the homework.