ついにきたこの季節! 花粉症が日本経済に与える影響とは?【今週の英字新聞】



今週ピックアップしたテーマは「花粉症」です。2月下旬ともなると花粉の季節。これからの2、3ヶ月は花粉症の人にとってきつい時期です。実は、花粉が日本の経済に与える損失はいくらだか知っていますか? 2018年5月4日にCNNが公開した記事からご紹介します。CNNによれば、花粉症は日本経済に2000億の損失を与えるそうです。いったいどういうことか、さっそく英文を読んでみましょう。

Japan will lose around 200 billion yen ($1.8 billion) this year because of pollen-induced allergies, according to the Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute, a research firm in Tokyo.

The damage comes in several forms, according to Toshihiro Nagahama, the institute’s chief economist. Fewer people want to go out, which hits consumption, and workers suffering from hay fever take more sick days. Or if they do show up to work, they’re less productive.

And 2018 is looking like one of the worst years on record for hay-fever sufferers in Japan. The pollen count in some parts of the country has more than doubled compared with last year.

Tokyo has been hit particularly hard. A local government survey this year showed that half the capital city’s population suffers from hay fever, compared with less than a third in 2008.







Japan will lose around 200 billion yen ($1.8 billion) this year because of pollen-induced allergies, according to the Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute, a research firm in Tokyo.


The damage comes in several forms, according to Toshihiro Nagahama, the institute’s chief economist. Fewer people want to go out, which hits consumption, and workers suffering from hay fever take more sick days. Or if they do show up to work, they’re less productive.


And 2018 is looking like one of the worst years on record for hay-fever sufferers in Japan. The pollen count in some parts of the country has more than doubled compared with last year.


Tokyo has been hit particularly hard. A local government survey this year showed that half the capital city’s population suffers from hay fever, compared with less than a third in 2008.




come in:(結果が)〜となる。(計画・契約などが)〜という結果になる。
show up:(人が)顔を出す、現れる、姿を見せる。
looking like:〜のようである。
more than doubled compared with:〜と比べて2倍以上多い。
particularly hard hit:特に大きな打撃を受ける。
