2018年度の山形大学地域教育文化・医・人文社会科(前期)の英作文には、「『好かれることは人生で有利になる』という考えに賛成するか? その理由は? 2、3文で答えなさい」という問題だった。2、3文という指定があるので、簡潔に書かなければならない。賛否で書きやすさの差はないと思うので、簡潔にまとめられそうな方を選ぶと良い。
I agree with the idea that being liked creates more advantage in life. When people are lost in choice, they often choose by whether they like it or not. So, I think that there are many things that you can gain from being liked.
I don’t agree with the idea that being liked creates more advantage in life. I think that it is secondary whether they like or not, because they choose the one who benefits. So, I don’t think that I would get anything by being liked.