大問3-3:Imagine you were asked to write about the media and obesity, for your class newsletter. Based on the article you just read, write a paragraph in English about problems, the ways to solve them, and give a clear conclusion that includes your own opinion.
長文を読んだ上での英作文なので、問題文の勘違いなどに注意する必要がある。問題点・解決策・結論と求められることが多いので、取りこぼさないように気をつけること。クラスの人に訴える記事のように書くことも指定されている。構成としては「1.肥満の問題提起」、「2.要因(メディアと肥満の関連について)」、「3.実例を交えた解決策案」、「4.結論」というように書くと良い。「4」の結論を書くとき、結論だということがわかるように「As a conclusion」といったような節を入れることがポイント。
Currently, obesity is a problem for children. There are various factors that can be considered. For example, there may be lack of exercise due to the spread of the Internet. However, not only that, there is also a cause for children’s tendency to eat unbalanced. And there is a survey result that the big deal is by television commercials. To solve this problem, it is necessary to restrict fast food commercials for children and promote health food by the government. Lack of exercise is not a problem that can be solved easily, but promotion of healthy food can be implemented immediately. As a conclusion, I think that it is difficult to stop the obesity of children now that the Internet has become widespread, but I think it should be possible to make people interested in health, and that is important. (140語)