

2017年度の茨城大学教育学部(英語)の英語試験では「人類に対して最も偉大で良い影響を与えた発明品は何か? 1、2つ理由を述べ、付随する例も併せて答えよ」という問題が出題された。理由は2つまでで、語数は150語程度と指定がある。指定語数が多いので、理由は2つ書くと語数に達しやすい。頻出テーマなので、過去問に取り組んで得意なものを持っておくと良い。

The greatest invention I think is the camera. First of all, the birth of the camera has made it possible to save things that could only be recorded with letters and painting until then, as seen, and the technology to record them has dramatically improved. For example, in history, it made the people of future generations realize the misery of war. In addition, a lot of pictures taken with a camera in the modern times are shared, and they have greatly contributed to media such as books and the Internet. The “transducing power” that the camera has created is a wonderful thing that makes it possible to see the views of distant places. There is no great invention for me. I feel that it is a kind of time machine that can jump over time and space. (137語)

